You are Not Responsible For Anyone Else’s Happiness: 3 Tips for Preserving Your Mental Health During Periods of Change


You are Not Responsible For Anyone Else’s Happiness: 3 Tips for Preserving Your Mental Health During Periods of Change


(Check out the accompanying YouTube video here: Birthdays are always a good time for reflection.  While I rummage through memories and experiences this week, I’ll share three thoughts you might get some value from:

You are Not Responsible For Anyone Else’s Happiness: 3 Tips for Preserving Your Mental Health During Periods of Change Read More »

What The Solar Eclipse Can Teach Us About Personal Growth (and an update)

Solar Eclipse

A new season and new quarter is upon us. I haven’t posted in a few months and I’ve received a number of notes and messages asking how I’m doing. I’m always flattered by that, hearing that some of what I share has enough of an impact on others for them to care about what’s happening

What The Solar Eclipse Can Teach Us About Personal Growth (and an update) Read More »