Looking for a Husband?

Looking for a Husband?

Wedding Band

(Some additional audio commentary below.)

The day after Halloween marked the first day I saw a Christmas commercial this Fall.

Whether it’s Post-New Year or the pocket of time before we start hearing Bing Crosby and Mariah Carey on loop, advertisers cannot wait to get you thinking about holiday consumption.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

But that does not mean you have to settle for what you’ve had in the past.

With the end of the year on the horizon and all of the emotion and visions of the future that come along with that, one question looms large: Who is getting the best of our time?

And who do we want to spend our time with?

Are you a lady ready to find a God-fearing partner for marriage? Tired of having your time wasted and unwilling to settle for being unequally-yoked?

@K.E. Consulting is now providing coaching and services to help women land the right matches.

Tackling important problems is what a life well-lived is all about and this is an area that has bedeviled so many—including myself.

As a (not yet married) man, I’m familiar with relationship struggles, wishing I had a few do-overs. Many lessons learned and experiences—mine and others—observed and assimilated.

I settled on this area of focus in the last few weeks, but this is a development more than a decade in the works. Subtle guidance from my inner witness as well as input from many voices past and present have spoken loud and clear.

From an abundance of (wise) counsellors comes safety and direction.

When you’re primed for elevation to a new level, you don’t sit on your hands and wait for intervention—you go to where the provision is. Small leaps of faith grounded in principles bigger than yourself.

Why settle for a life where phrases like “emotional availability” and “safe space for me to share” are met with a blank stare?

What can you expect from us?

No judgment or self-righteousness. Just some tools and new perspectives that meet you where you are and can propel you where you want to go.

If what you’ve done in the past hasn’t worked, why not try something new?

That’s an adage that I haven’t always followed myself, but recognize how much it rings true.


I focused on the ladies in this post, but we WILL be providing services for Christian men as well.

So If you’re a Christian man or woman in the season of looking for marriage, schedule a free consultation with my team here:


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