Listen to the YouTube short here:
Ever been in a situation where you were uncertain of what to do next?
I know I have.
Maybe you are stuck between options. Or worse, you don’t even know where to start.
Fortunately, you’ve already got a compass inside of you, ready to point you in the right general direction.
Let the peace of God be your guide.
Colossians 3 15:
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”
“Peace” in this context refers to the subtle affirmation we feel inside when the right idea or action comes to mind. It’s encouragement from the Holy Spirit that you’re inching closer to God’s best choice for you in a given situation.
Some call it a gut feeling or intuition. Others, a sixth sense or the little voice inside of you whispering answers to questions.
Whatever you call it, you can learn how to hear it more clearly and how to amplify it so that you never have to feel like you’re lost at sea again.
God placed a little representative in all of us with the sole purpose of guiding us towards where he wants our lives to go. It remains latent and underdeveloped in most of us because of lack of use and focus.
When properly-calibrated, that little spirit-man—powered by the Holy Spirit—can illuminate the path most likely to bring you long-term value. A pit in your stomach or some cannot-quite-explain-it feeling warning you to steer clear of something; those are alarm bells that can assist in dodging avoidable danger and hurt.

But you will miss those signals if there’s too much noise drowning out the very instructions you’re looking for.
A few words on the value of “silence”…
Mark 1:35:
“Then Jesus got up early in the morning when it was still very dark, departed, and went out to a deserted place, and there he spent time in prayer.”
Get comfortable with being alone with your thoughts.
Alone time, a chance to truly examine your thoughts, is essential for establishing patterns of clear thinking. An accomplished life demands bouts of solitude, really.
Periods of quiet provide the opportunity for your mind—and spirit—to unscramble riddles that are blocking your advancement. With distraction eliminated, moments of clarity begin to pile up, leading to epiphanies that move you forward.
A tranquil mind is a powerful one. Your cognitive troops are unified under a single banner, ready to march towards your most important goals.
You never know what insights will hit when the volume is turned down.
Read that piece here:
And if you need help learning “how” to hear God’s specific direction for something you’re dealing with right now, reach out.