What The Solar Eclipse Can Teach Us About Personal Growth (and an update)

What The Solar Eclipse Can Teach Us About Personal Growth (and an update)

Solar Eclipse

Self-Improvement and Finding Love.

A new season and new quarter is upon us.

I haven’t posted in a few months and I’ve received a number of notes and messages asking how I’m doing. I’m always flattered by that, hearing that some of what I share has enough of an impact on others for them to care about what’s happening on my end.

We never know how we touch the lives of those we cross paths with.

I’m alive and well, thank you. A lot of work on K.E. Consulting. A lot of training and sports participation. Dedicated quiet time on the daily with my thoughts and the Holy Spirit.

And this:

I’m developing a course for women interested in romantic partnership with men that exemplify biblical values.

The kind of qualities we see on display here and here.

(A companion course for men seeking marriage is in the works as well.)

More details to come on both of those as Spring rolls on. I’m knee-deep in those projects and that relationship-marriage area is a focus for myself and the company this year.

This endeavor has evoked a range of feelings—some excitement, a bit of fear and trepidation, humility about what needs to be learned and incorporated.

But those are hallmarks of the sort of endeavors that propel us forward past old plateaus….

Isaiah 10:27:

“In that day their burden will be lifted from your shoulders,their yoke from your neck; the yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat.”

Until you grow restless with present circumstances, the fuse that inspires change will remain unlit.

Today’s solar eclipse provides a fitting metaphor for navigating that challenge.

The decision to look up at the sun today is not without danger; without the right protection, you could go blind. You sidestep that risk by not gazing at the sky at all.

There’s real danger in being too careful in life, though.

The same way you have no business sitting in jail in the early stages of a Monopoly game, hoping to skirt the $50 fee by rolling doubles.  Before you can say, “Free Parking”, half of the board has been gobbled up.

Timidity and fear-based decision-making are silent killers that prevent you from finding the contentment and purpose you’re looking for. Too much focus on worst case scenarios and fear of loss can be just as harmful—more even—than being too careless.

Just like gazing at a solar eclipse, you want to exercise caution, but not be so careful that you forgo chances to enjoy what’s in front of you.

It will be decades before the next true eclipse, so hopefully you donned some protective shades and witnessed the show.

Have you ever seen a partial or total solar or lunar eclipse?

Any thoughts or comments on the updates shared in this post? Shoot me a message or comment.

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