Seven Years and Second Chances: Life Lessons in a New Era

Seven Years and Second Chances: Life Lessons in a New Era

Seven Years and Second Chances: Life Lessons in a New Era

The picture is the reset button on a Sega Genesis, the first videogame console I ever owned and a fitting metaphor for this short share.

Today is Martin Luther King Day and the inauguration of new (old) president, Donald Trump. 

January 20th also marks seven years since I “should have” passed away.

Others had their torches snuffed while I was lucky enough to be spared. God’s grace at play there.

I’ve shared the tale with a number of audiences and I’ll link to one version of the story, a segment from a memorable interview with Michael Hingson, here:

This was a seminal life experience that eventually led to the start of @K.E.Consulting, heightened spiritual awareness, and some unexpected evolutions in my physical abilities.

Reflecting on these events is a reminder to not take time for granted and to cherish second (third, fourth, fifth, sixth…) chances when we’re fortunate enough to receive them.

As long as you’re in the game, there’s always a chance to start anew.

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