K.E. Consulting: An Introduction

K.E. Consulting: An Introduction

K.E. Monogram

Self-Improvement and Business Ideas.

Spring is the season that new growth begins to peek through, the manifestation of all of the seeds sown and work committed behind the scenes.

My birthday, May 16, is in the middle of the month most frequently associated with the transition into full bloom, so it’s always a good time for reflection.

If you’re receiving this post via email, you’re already familiar with my work on Justtaptheglass.com. You can expect more of that thought-provoking content—and then some—on my latest website: KeneErike.com.

I’ve undergone a number of changes. Fully embracing the value of emotional availability, self-reflection on the best ways to bridge communication gaps with perspectives that differ from my own, and the oft-forgotten importance of “minimum effective dosage” when deciding which goals to pursue and how best to achieve them.

I’ve spent a ton of time helping others do the same.

I’m now formally introducing the latest extension of that work: K.E. Consulting.

My consulting firm has existed for a number of years, committed to helping clients identify—and resolve—the challenges preventing them from enjoying the relationshipscareers, and businesses they’ve always wanted. The company has evolved during the pandemic, so it’s only fitting we roll out some of those developments for everyone to see.

So, if you’re like me and hold a lifelong interest in….

– Business Growth

– Career Advancement and Designing A Work Life You’re Passionate About

– Developing Strong Personal And Professional Relationships

– Building Confidence And Improving Social Skills

We’re here for you.

I’m meshing my experiences as an entrepreneur and coach with my desire to tackle some of the most common problems we all grapple with. I’m assembling a team who share those same passions as well.

Please drop us a line and let us know if you have any questions or comments. Let us know if there is any way we can be of assistance to you.

– Kene

4 thoughts on “K.E. Consulting: An Introduction”

  1. Congratulations Kene. This is wonderful. Praying for God’s guidance for you as you move ahead. Very proud of you. Mom

  2. Patrick Odigie

    I have Kene with much interest for a long time and know for sure that he is a very intelligent and most of all, a very inspiring personality. Justtaptheglass has been a huge blessing (intellectually stimulating and spiritually rewarding) I eagerly look forward to enjoying the rich perspectives ahead. My best wishes for a resounding success.

    1. Thank you so much for this message, Pastor Patrick. It’s always a great feeling to hear something you’ve done has made a difference.

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