See some of my most popular articles here:

Ready for Change? Lessons from the Story of Jacob
Ready for a change? All you need is the will to bring it to pass and a helpful ally.

The Race for Equality: A Look at Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Disparities in Outcomes
Check out the accompanying video here: DEI. Equity and Inclusion. How to Reduce the Achievement Gap. A number of people asked for my opinion

Leadership Development for (Smart) People: Tips from the Practical Leadership Podcast
Leadership Development for (Smart) People: Tips for finding your purpose, motivating a team, and enhancing emotional intelligence. You’ll find a few words on Neurodiverse leadership and social skills as well.

Birthdays are Good Reflection Time
Personal Growth and Better Mental Health: Goals we all share. A friend once asked me, “Kene, when’s your birthday?” I quipped, “Mid-May.” Evasive and indirect,

Life Lessons and Overcoming Challenges: A Conversation with Michael Hingson
Overcoming challenges and building resilience. Over at “Unstoppable Mindset”, you’ll find my latest work, an exploration of some of my formative experiences, how K.E. Consulting

Spring Time is YOUR Time
New month, new season: Perfect time for personal growth and achieving a goal.