Find a Good Man: The First Step

Find a Good Man: The First Step


Are you ready for a change? 
It’s hard enough finding a partner in this increasingly-strange world, let alone an emotionally-intelligent one who shares your values and will not make you compromise who you are.

(And if you’re holding out for a God-fearing man, you know the frustration of having to endure what seems like an endless wave of game-players, liars, and manipulators.)

The first step to finding the love you’re looking for? Become the right partner yourself.

We can help you with:
– Goal Achievement
– Self-Advocacy and Building Confidence
– Building Strong, Healthy Boundaries
– Understanding What (Good) Men are Looking For

You’ll enjoy a 45-minute call with a relationship coach. We will identify some of the mental, physical, and spiritual roadblocks standing in your way.

After that call, you will receive a document laying out step-by-step actions to move you closer to achieving your relationship goals.

– Consultation will be scheduled after purchase
